8 research outputs found

    Short-Term Rainfall Prediction Using Supervised Machine Learning

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    Floods and rain significantly impact the economy of many agricultural countries in the world. Early prediction of rain and floods can dramatically help prevent natural disaster damage. This paper presents a machine learning and data-driven method that can accurately predict short-term rainfall. Various machine learning classification algorithms have been implemented on an Australian weather dataset to train and develop an accurate and reliable model. To choose the best suitable prediction model, diverse machine learning algorithms have been applied for classification as well. Eventually, the performance of the models has been compared based on standard performance measurement metrics. The finding shows that the hist gradient boosting classifier has given the highest accuracy of 91%, with a good F1 value and receiver operating characteristic, the area under the curve score

    Support Directional Shifting Vector: A Direction Based Machine Learning Classifier

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    Machine learning models have been very popular nowadays for providing rigorous solutions to complicated real-life problems. There are three main domains named supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement. Supervised learning mainly deals with regression and classification. There exist several types of classification algorithms, and these are based on various bases. The classification performance varies based on the dataset velocity and the algorithm selection. In this article, we have focused on developing a model of angular nature that performs supervised classification. Here, we have used two shifting vectors named Support Direction Vector (SDV) and Support Origin Vector (SOV) to form a linear function. These vectors form a linear function to measure cosine-angle with both the target class data and the non-target class data. Considering target data points, the linear function takes such a position that minimizes its angle with target class data and maximizes its angle with non-target class data. The positional error of the linear function has been modelled as a loss function which is iteratively optimized using the gradient descent algorithm. In order to justify the acceptability of this method, we have implemented this model on three different standard datasets. The model showed comparable accuracy with the existing standard supervised classification algorithm. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01306 Full Text: PD

    Support directional shifting vector: A direction based machine learning classifier

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    Machine learning models have been very popular nowadays for providing rigorous solutions to complicated real-life problems. There are three main domains named supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement. Supervised learning mainly deals with regression and classification. There exist several types of classification algorithms, and these are based on various bases. The classification performance varies based on the dataset velocity and the algorithm selection. In this article, we have focused on developing a model of angular nature that performs supervised classification. Here, we have used two shifting vectors named Support Direction Vector (SDV) and Support Origin Vector (SOV) to form a linear function. These vectors form a linear function to measure cosine-angle with both the target class data and the non-target class data. Considering target data points, the linear function takes such a position that minimizes its angle with target class data and maximizes its angle with non-target class data. The positional error of the linear function has been modelled as a loss function which is iteratively optimized using the gradient descent algorithm. In order to justify the acceptability of this method, we have implemented this model on three different standard datasets. The model showed comparable accuracy with the existing standard supervised classification algorithm

    Computer-aided system for extending the performance of diabetes analysis and prediction

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    Every year, diabetes causes health difficulties for hundreds of millions of individuals throughout the world. Patients’ medical records may be utilized to quantify symptoms, physical characteristics, and clinical laboratory test data, which may then be utilized to undertake biostatistics analysis to uncover patterns or characteristics that are now undetected. In this work, we have used six machine learning algorithms to give the prediction of diabetes patients and the reason for diabetes are illustrated in percentage using pie charts. The machine learning algorithms used to predict the risks of Type 2 diabetes. User can self-assess their diabetes risk once the model has been trained. Based on the experimental results in AdaBoost Classifier's, the accuracy achieved is almost 98 percent

    Impact Learning: A Learning Method from Features Impact and Competition

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    Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that can automatically improve based on data and experience. Machine learning algorithms build a model from sample data, called training data, to make predictions or judgments without being explicitly programmed to do so. A variety of wellknown machine learning algorithms have been developed for use in the field of computer science to analyze data. This paper introduced a new machine learning algorithm called impact learning. Impact learning is a supervised learning algorithm that can be consolidated in both classification and regression problems. It can furthermore manifest its superiority in analyzing competitive data. This algorithm is remarkable for learning from the competitive situation and the competition comes from the effects of autonomous features. It is prepared by the impacts of the highlights from the intrinsic rate of natural increase (RNI). We, moreover, manifest the prevalence of the impact learning over the conventional machine learning algorithm

    Transfer learning for sentiment analysis using bert based supervised fine-tuning

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    The growth of the Internet has expanded the amount of data expressed by users across multiple platforms. The availability of these different worldviews and individuals’ emotions em-powers sentiment analysis. However, sentiment analysis becomes even more challenging due to a scarcity of standardized labeled data in the Bangla NLP domain. The majority of the existing Bangla research has relied on models of deep learning that significantly focus on context-independent word embeddings, such as Word2Vec, GloVe, and fastText, in which each word has a fixed representation irrespective of its context. Meanwhile, context-based pre-trained language models such as BERT have recently revolutionized the state of natural language processing. In this work, we utilized BERT’s transfer learning ability to a deep integrated model CNN-BiLSTM for enhanced performance of decision-making in sentiment analysis. In addition, we also introduced the ability of transfer learning to classical machine learning algorithms for the performance comparison of CNN-BiLSTM. Additionally, we explore various word embedding techniques, such as Word2Vec, GloVe, and fastText, and compare their performance to the BERT transfer learning strategy. As a result, we have shown a state-of-the-art binary classification performance for Bangla sentiment analysis that significantly outperforms all embedding and algorithms

    SG-PBFS : Shortest Gap-Priority Based Fair Scheduling technique for job scheduling in cloud environment

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    Job scheduling in cloud computing plays a crucial role in optimizing resource utilization and ensuring efficient job allocation. But cloud resources may be wasted, or service performance may suffer because of under-utilization or over-utilization because of poor scheduling. Existing approaches often overlook the dynamic nature of cloud environments, resulting in issues like missed deadlines, prolonged flowtime, extended makespan, and unacceptable total tardiness. To address this issue, the main objective of this research is to improve the existing Priority Rules (PR) cloud schedulers by developing a new dynamic scheduling algorithm by manipulating the gaps in the cloud job schedule. Firstly, a Priority-Based Fair Scheduling (PBFS) algorithm has been introduced to schedule jobs so that jobs can access the required resources at optimal times. Then, a backfilling strategy called Shortest Gap - Priority-Based Fair Scheduling (SG-PBFS) is developed that attempts to manipulate the gaps in the schedule of cloud jobs. Finally, the performance evaluation demonstrates that the proposed SG-PBFS algorithm outperforms SG-SJF, SG-LJF, SG-FCFS, SG-EDF, and SG-(MAX-MIN) regarding flow time, makespan time, and total tardiness, which conclusively demonstrates its effectiveness. To conduct this experiment, we employed the CloudSim simulator, which is implemented using the Java programming language

    An Enhanced Neural Word Embedding Model for Transfer Learning

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    Due to the expansion of data generation, more and more natural language processing (NLP) tasks are needing to be solved. For this, word representation plays a vital role. Computation-based word embedding in various high languages is very useful. However, until now, low-resource languages such as Bangla have had very limited resources available in terms of models, toolkits, and datasets. Considering this fact, in this paper, an enhanced BanglaFastText word embedding model is developed using Python and two large pre-trained Bangla models of FastText (Skip-gram and cbow). These pre-trained models were trained on a collected large Bangla corpus (around 20 million points of text data, in which every paragraph of text is considered as a data point). BanglaFastText outperformed Facebook’s FastText by a significant margin. To evaluate and analyze the performance of these pre-trained models, the proposed work accomplished text classification based on three popular textual Bangla datasets, and developed models using various machine learning classical approaches, as well as a deep neural network. The evaluations showed a superior performance over existing word embedding techniques and the Facebook Bangla FastText pre-trained model for Bangla NLP. In addition, the performance in the original work concerning these textual datasets provides excellent results. A Python toolkit is proposed, which is convenient for accessing the models and using the models for word embedding, obtaining semantic relationships word-by-word or sentence-by-sentence; sentence embedding for classical machine learning approaches; and also the unsupervised finetuning of any Bangla linguistic dataset